Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st

Today was a gorgeous day in Barcelona! I love being able to walk by La Sagrada Familia every day on my way to class! I woke up early in order to go get school supplies, and made my way to the metro with a couple of people in my class. The class is very interesting, and the professor somehow relates everything back to soccer. Whether it is the spanish civil war or Francisco Franco's regime, everything gets related to soccer. After class, a couple of people went with me to Las Ramblas, a very touristy but cool part of the city. Right by Las Ramblas there are people camping out and living in a square because they are protesting the Spanish government.

Here is the Sagrada Familia. Pictures don't do justice to how amazing this building is, and I get to walk by it every day.

Here are pictures of protestors in the square.
People are literally living there, and this is in the middle of a very busy and famous square in Barcelona.

Here are a couple of signs that the protestors have put up around the square:
I don't know what this sign says because I think it is in Catalan or its Spanish slang.

This sign says "Barcelona, brutal police zone" this is also Catalan but it translates very easily.


  1. Hi Cort - Noah and I have been reading all your blogs and looking at the pictures. Brings back memories of my 24 hours stay there before the cruise I took. So glad you are having a great time. Are the mime's and statues out on Las Ramblas? They were all up and down the street the day we were there. Take care. Love AuntB

  2. Hey, my "Little Prince". Sounds like you are off on the right track. It sounds lovely-enjoy.
    CW and I were never there unfortunately. Looking forward to more. Love you-Gram.

  3. Cort! What an amazing adventure you are on! Have so much fun and it is so much fun to read your blogs! Miss you and love you lots!
    Cousin Kate :)
