Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31st

Barcelona is unbelievable. By far the best city I have ever been to. I met up with a local that I met in Oklahoma through one of the SAE board members, and he showed my roommates and me around the city (yes my roommates good). He took us up in the hills where apparently a lot of tourists don't go, and the view was awesome. He then took the 3 of us to his house in the hills above Barcelona. His house is absolutely amazing. His family owns a winery outside of Barcelona and another in napa valley. There was wine everywhere at his house, and they have a personal cook who wears a uniform and cooked us a 3 course meal. We were at this guy's house for several hours, and some of his friends came over while we were there. They're all really cool and they spoke to us in English and Spanish. After all of this, we all went to Shoko, a club on the beach in Barcelona. It was a ton of fun!

Needless to say this morning was a little rough having to get up at 7am for an orientation, but this city is amazing. I've never been anywhere as unique as Barcelona and I love it! My first class was today, and everything is about soccer! Our teacher finds ways to related everything to soccer!
Here are pictures of the view we saw yesterday:

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30th: first day in Barcelona

After a 9 hour flight from DFW to Heathrow and a 2 hour flight from Heathrow to Barcelona, I finally made it. I didn't sleep very much so I'm a little delirious, but I'm very excited. I had a CEA person show me around the area I'm living in. Yes mom and dad, I will have to take the metro to class everyday but it's okay. This isn't new York. My CEA guide did warn me about pickpoketers, because as she affectionately put it, I look like an stereotypical American. I'm very excited To be here. Below are some pictures of my apartment, and I'm 3 blocks away from La Sagrada Familia. This city is awesome already.
My room: I don't have a roommate so that extra bed is useless

My bathroom: smaller than a closet but I have my own

The living room

The kitchen

And finally my view from the balcony off of the living room

Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 29th

This first post is mostly a test to see if I will be able to upload pictures to my blog from my iPad while I am in Spain. The photo is a picture of the SAE house, my home during the school year.
